I am absolutely thrilled to announce that my book, The Goblin and the Dancer, is a finalist for the Realm Maker’s Reader’s Choice Award.
I cannot believe it . . .
My book is a Realm Makers finalist.

Hundreds of readers and over a thousand nominations . . . and my book made it to the top five.
None of this would have happened without you. There are no words to describe how grateful I am to you for getting me this far (I’m not going to lie, I’m tearing up just writing this).
Your generosity, support, and enthusiasm have blessed me so deeply and given me a gift I cannot possibly repay.
Every time I look at this list – at the honored company my little goblin is keeping – I have to pinch myself. Seeing my name alongside superstars such as Kara Swanson or Morgan Busse is the most surreal experience. I’m truly gobsmacked and speechless.

The voting is now open to decide the winner of the award. If you would take a moment to click on the link and vote for The Goblin and the Dancer once more, I will thank you from the bottom of my heart!
To celebrate The Goblin and the Dancer being a finalist, I’m going to do something I’ve never done before . . . I’m going to host a read-along! I will be doing three separate live streams to discuss this book with you, respond to your comments, and answer questions!

The first discussion was this past Monday, but the replay is still available and there is still time to join the read-along and chime in on the discussion this Friday if you haven’t joined already! I’d love to see you over on Instagram.
Once more, thank you so much for helping my shy little goblin to get this far. I am more grateful than I can possibly say.